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Tackling gender injustice through education & advocacy

Inherit Your Rights is a an independent UK-registered charity, established to support

the work of Inherit Your Rights in Tanzania, a voice for women’s rights, equality and justice.



Together, our aim is to create a brighter future for women and girls in Tanzania, where they can

exercise their rights and contribute to the sustainable development of their communities.

Women & Girls in Tanzania


Women and girls in Tanzania are extremely vulnerable to injustice due to the patriarchal customs

that direct society. Under customary law, women are denied the right to own land or have custody of their children

in the case of marital breakdown. Widows have no right of inheritance. There are extremely high rates of

domestic and sexual violence, FGM is still practiced and child marriage is common.


There are statutory laws in place to protect the rights of women and girls. However, most people are not aware of these laws. Nor do most have access to legal assistance or representation.


Inherit Your Rights seeks to bring women in Tanzania under the rightful protection of the law through education and advocacy, for the eradication of gender-based injustice.


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Whether we are supporting survivors of

gender-based violence or equipping school children to protect themselves against abuse, we are dedicated to making a positive difference.


Our Impact in 2023


Community Advisors equipped to take action


Children made aware of their right to live free from violence & abuse


Women and children provided access to justice


Adults made aware of the legal rights of women & children


TV & Radio Broadcasts across Tanzania

We want women and children's rights to be known, respected & protected.


We want to see an end to gender-based injustice in Tanzania. 

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