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About Us

Inherit Your Rights UK was established to support the work of Inherit Your Rights in Tanzania

through targeted fundraising and support services. We provide grants to fund specific charitable projects

in accordance with English law, and we support the team in Tanzania in its work through the

legal and educational expertise of our trustees. 


Our team of trustees are dedicated to driving positive change, and we work hard to raise awareness of our mission and the challenges faced by women and girls in Tanzania. Join us in making a real difference to the lives of the most vulnerable in our society by supporting our cause today.


Meet Our Trustees


Inherit Your Rights (UK) is a registered charity (no. 1205939) in the UK. You can find our Charity Commission profile here

Inherit Your Rights (TZ) is a registered Non-Governmental Organisation (no. I-NGO/R1/0097) in Tanzania. 

Inherit Your Rights (USA) is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organisation (EIN 45-2554186) in the USA.


Inherit Your Rights (UK) is an independent organisation, working in close partnership with Inherit Your Rights in Tanzania. Please contact us if you would like to see a copy of our Grant-Making Policy and Partnership Agreement with Inherit Your Rights Tanzania.


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