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Our Story

Inherit Your Rights was founded in 2011 by two international human rights lawyers to assist widows who unjustly face losing their property and inheritance rights following the death of their husbands. Our strategy was to educate, empower and represent.​


Our educational programs began in March 2013, when we started to deliver human rights lectures to widows' groups around Arusha. That year, Inherit Your Rights delivered training to seven rural Maasai villages, reaching over 300 widows. Widows across the region began hearing about their rights to inheritance, property, fair treatment within a marriage and most importantly how to defend those rights.


Fast-forward to today, Inherit Your Rights’ is led by impassioned Tanzanian advocates for social justice, and our remit has grown from defending widows' rights to advancing the rights of all women and children to live free from injustice and abuse. Each year, the team trains over 10,000 men, women & children.


Our Work

Inherit Your Rights' work focuses on seeking social justice for women and children in Tanzania through education and advocacy.  


     We bring Awareness of women’s legal rights through community training events, short courses and media broadcasts.


     We provide Access to justice, offering free legal aid and counselling services to women and children.


     We equip individuals to take Action to attain justice through our Community Advisor Program, a curriculum-based course that equips participants to defend their legal and human rights.  


Crucially, we work closely with local government, churches and schools to ensure that those in positions of authority and influence in society learn about women and children's legal rights.


Our Impact in 2023


Community Advisors equipped to take action


Children made aware of their right to live free from violence & abuse


Women and children provided access to justice


Adults made aware of the legal rights of women & children


TV & Radio Broadcasts across Tanzania

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Our Values




Inherit Your Rights is guided by the Biblical call of Isaiah 1:17 to "Seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow."


Equality, Respect & Protection


We believe all people are created equal, and deserve equal rights, and fair treatment by others. We also believe that everyone has the right to live free from violence and abuse.





We believe education to be a powerful tool that can empower and equip communities to break the cycle of injustice and create systemic change. By investing in education, we can build a stronger and more just society for everyone.


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